So thats the reason why acting as well as working as to improve or eliminate women's empowerment is th key factor in improving the economic, political and social conditions in Pakistan. Gender equality and women em
Women across the region are still deined their rights under the law and in practice. There is a dire need of actually working on the knowledge and education of both men and women in Pakistan regarding this sensitive and miserable issue. When there is no difference in both the genders in our religion Islam then who are we to create differences. This is now actually speading as a cancer in our society. Women empowerment is not restricted to controll over reproduction or financial independence only, where as a combination of literacy, employement and health also. So men and women in Pakistan really need to be shaken up on this issue because this is really important for the survival, growth and effective developement of Pakistan. Women empowerment is really important and useful for the developement of our country as it represents women as an active agents rather than a passive recipients of development policies.
A great number of studies have actually shown that if women are provided with their rights to get education, work, speak for themselves especially and health then they have more power over their house hold decision making, then they will also be a better mother to their children. They will manage to bring up good citizens to our counry. These studies have also shown that women empowerment has a positive relation with the well-being of children and lead in the betterment of the family. Also this will bring better environments in the family which then have positive effect in the society all togather as well. Hence this would result in good decision making process, evaluation planning and policy formulation around Pakistan.Not only this, but will also manage to increase source of income. This will bring up more revenues to not only the family but also to the country, resulting in the increase in the GDP. Hence would work as a catalyst in the reduction of poverty resulting in more growth.If this issue is treated well and in time, then this will lead towards brighter and prosperous Pakistan InshAllah.
By Mariam Javed